Claire Berger, MS
Claire Berger is the Regional Director of the Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship within the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.
Claire is a workforce professional with more than 15 years of experience in developing and delivering workforce training programs specializing in registered apprenticeship. For the past three years, she has helped national and local businesses develop internal processes to manage and promote apprenticeship programs. Specifically, she has worked to design business strategy around training and recruiting; led teams in the management of apprenticeships; connected businesses with strong educational partners across the United States; analyzed metrics to monitor training efficacy; and managed relationships with internal and external apprenticeship stakeholders.
Claire’s background in education and workforce development started at the community college level with Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana. There, she held progressive positions as Program Chair; Dean of the School of Technology; and Director of Apprenticeships, Internships, and Workforce Alignment. Developing an understanding of higher education’s unique language and processes was instrumental in her ability to help companies navigate the related instruction component of registered apprenticeship. As an educator, she was able to help companies develop internal processes to launch and manage apprenticeships beyond the registration phase, breaking often-viewed complications down into small, manageable bites.
Now at the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, she works closely with the US Department of Labor’s Indiana Office of Apprenticeship to take all that she learned in her past experiences to the broader Indiana community. Claire passionately believes in apprenticeship and other work-based learning models as a way to help people pursue a career while earning a living wage.