The Scrub Life – A Podcast for, and About, Surgical Technology, began as a capstone project for surgical technology program seniors during their final semester. The podcast provides an opportunity for students to explore surgical areas of interest. Each cohort of students became a season and each group’s recording became an episode. Who knew that less than four years later, this project would reach over 8.4K downloads, in three countries, and provide a team project that students look forward to each semester.
Chris Blevins, BSCJ, AAS-ST, CST, CNA, is the founder of The Scrub Life Podcast and is the South College Surgical Technology Program Chair in Knoxville, Tennessee. She serves on the Education and Professional Standards Committee for the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST), as well as contributing editor for several chapters in the upcoming AST textbook. Chris enjoys serving as a reviewer for the Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARC/STSA). She is currently working toward her Master’s in Healthcare Administration and is a mom to four amazing children and a Goldendoodle. Chris has no spare time, but if she did she’d enjoy traveling, exploring vineyards, and a long nap.
“As you know, surgery is a team sport. It is imperative that we teach students how to function in stressful environments with people who they may not know. I want them to come up with a plan, be organized, critically think through an outcome, execute and have fun doing it.” — Chris Blevins
If you would like to learn more about the podcast capstone project, details are located in the Didactic Toolbox.
In Celebration of National Surgical Technologists Week - The First Time I Ever…
Hear surgical technologists share amazing stories from their time in the operating room.
Reflections of a Mayo CV Tech
Have you ever wondered what being a Certified Surgical Technologist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota is like? Join Chris Blevins as she interviews John Hadley about his time on the Mayo cardiovascular team. John Hadley, RN, CST, is the Program Chair/Professor of the surgical technology program at Des Moines Area Community College, and serves as President of the Iowa State Assembly for AST.
Hank Balch – Beyond Clean
Listen to Chris Blevins discuss the Sterile Processing Microcredential with Hank Balch of BeyondClean.net.
NBSTSA Job Task Analysis Survey – Your Voice Matters! Featuring Emily Runions, CST, FAST and Dave Blevins, CST, CSFA, FAST
Calling all CSTs and CSFAs! Your input is needed for the NBSTSA Job Task Analysis Survey. The data gathered helps to mold the future of our CST and CSFA exams. Learn how the survey was created from two members of the Job Task Analysis committee, Emily Runions, CST, FAST and Dave Blevins, CST, CSFA, FAST.
Breaking the Stigma on Mental Health with Tammy Pearson , CST, CSFA, FAST
The Scrub Life Podcast has linked resources specifically relating to the mental health of healthcare workers.
Mental Health and the Surgical Technologist – Chris Blevins
Listen to Chris Blevins ‘ episode on the importance of taking care of our own mental health and the struggles many of us fight through every day, featuring Tammy Pearson, CST, CSFA, FAST.
Incision – Improving Surgical Performance through Enhanced Digital Training
Join Chris Blevins as she discusses Incision Academy and Incision Assist with Ritsaart van Montfrans, Chief Executive Officer, and Jass Somers, International Sales Development Representative.
Incision is helping surgical professionals through high quality digital training for surgeons, residents, surgical technologists, the entire operative team through the visualization, learning modules and annotated procedures steps on their mobile friendly platforms. Listen to the episode now, to learn about the "Netflix of Surgery"!
Libby McCrae and Janice Grewatz Blowing Up the Core Curriculum
Join for an in-depth discussion with Libby McCrae and Janice Grewatz, two members of the AST Core Curriculum Revision Team. Learn the ins and outs of taking on such a massive endeavor, some of the changes behind the 7th edition, and insight into the passion of dynamite Surgical Technologists making up this committee.
Celebrate Surgical Assistants Appreciation Week with Jason Bonavito, CST, CSFA
First of all, a big congratulations to the National Surgical Assistant Association and the Association of Surgical Assistants on the inaugural celebration of National Surgical Assistant Week, April 18-22, 2022!
Please join Chris in getting to know Jason Bonavito, President of Surgical Alliance, LLC, in Charleston, SC. Jason is a Certified Surgical Technologist and Certified Surgical First Assistant who serves on the South Carolina AST State Assembly Board of Directors.
What is a Surgical Technologist?
Join Chris Blevins and Stephanie Austin as they discuss “What is a Surgical Technologist?” This episode is meant to be a tool for sharing and educating the general public and potential students for Surgical Technology Programs. Chris and Stephanie discuss what a typical surgical technology program contains, as well as, a day in the life of a working CST.
You Can Do It, Too! - Stephanie Austin, MA, BAS, CST, FAST and her Educational Journey
This podcast features a conversation with Stephanie Austin, MA, BAS, CST, FAST Surgical Technology Program Director at Walters State Community College. Stephanie's story from an untraditional student to an incredibly successful program director, all the while pursuing and graduating from an associate degree program to her current doctoral candidacy is an inspiration to us all! If you've ever thought of getting your degree, this is your episode! Listen and have faith in your ability to do this because You Can Do It, Too!
Bonus Episode - AST's Legislative Efforts Webinar Commentary
Please join Chris Blevins and special guest, Stephanie Austin, as they discuss the free webinar offered Saturday, March 12, 2022, by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) regarding the current legislative efforts being made across the country.
How To Use This Podcast-Chris Blevins, BSCJ, AAS-ST, CST, CNA
Chirs will walk us through the origin story of The Scrub Life Podcast. The episode explains how Surgical Technology Programs across the country can utilize this platform and audience base to promote their programs by having students create team-based episodes as a senior project.
The Fight to Stop Oregon House Bill 4106
Discussion featuring Amy Aldus, CST, Angie Hansen, CST, and Don Dreese, CST, CSFA from Oregon as they fight to prevent HB 4106 from being approved by the Senate Healthcare Committee. Listen and share!
Theator: Tackling Variability in the OR with Surgical Intelligence
Get to know the amazing Dr. Tamir Wolf, MD, Ph.D., the CEO, and co-founder of Theator. Theator is the world's first surgical intelligence platform that has over 400,000 minutes of surgical videos and automatically annotates critical moments throughout the procedure, all to enhance surgical learning and decrease disparity from one hospital to another.
Getting to know Mel Angelisanti, CSFA, CST!
Listen as Chris interviews an asset to the world of Surgical Technology, not to mention just an amazing human being! In this episode, hear the evolution of Mel's journey through becoming a CST, CSFA, Educator, and then, to being an asset to educators across the country with Surgical Science.
Becoming an Associate Degree Program with T.C. Parker
T. C. Parker, Surgical Technology Program Director - Gwinnett Technical College, Georgia, gives her recollection, advice, and encouragement on transitioning your program from certificate/diploma to an associate degree.
An Initial Accreditation Story with Chris Ahearn, AAS, CST
Chris Ahearn, Program Director of the Suffolk County Community College Surgical Technology Program - New York shares his experience and insight through obtaining CAAHEP Initial Accreditation.
A Conversation with Kevin Craycraft, CST, FAST, President-AST
Listen as Kevin Craycraft and Chris Blevins discuss celebrating National Surgical Technologists Week!
Interview With Ron Kruzel, MA, CAE, CST and Grant Wilson, M.Ed., CST, FAST
Ron Kruzel, Grant Wilson and Chris Blevins discuss the Standards & Guidelines Revisions currently in public comment, as well as, a host of other hot topics in the world of Surgical Technology.